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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Why would someone buy your business?

I always enjoy estate planning with business owners, as there are always a few interesting issues to resolve and some worthwhile challenges to overcome in the process. For business owners, estate planning can take much longer than it does for non-owners. The question of what to do with the existing business is front and centre.

For those business owners who are not planning to pass the company on to others in their family, selling the business is an attractive option. However, arriving at the right sale price is really tricky. I recently came across an article on that makes a good point. It says that business owners shouldn't be asking "who will buy my business?"; they should be asking "why would someone buy my business?" In other words, what are they willing to pay for, and why?

Click here to read the article. It will give you some good ideas about what to focus on if you're considering selling.

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