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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Assisted suicide/euthanasia case is a recipe for elder abuse

I saw this story a day or two ago, and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I deal with seniors every day. My business is helping them set up their legal affairs so that when they pass away or lose mental capacity, someone is left in charge and things flow as smoothly as possible. One thing - one very disturbing thing - that I know is true is that family members and strangers alike find ways to abuse seniors financially. They find ways around the law, not to mention common decency.

So whenever the issues of assisted suicide or euthanasia come up, I look at them through the filter of my experience over the last 25 years dealing with the lives of seniors. It isn't pretty out there. The potential for abuse is horrifying to me. And yet, shouldn't an old, sick individual be able to decide that illness and suffering have made life unbearable?

Click here to read an article from about the imminent trial of Carter vs. Attorney General of Canada, which is trying to have assisted suicide and euthansia legalized. I'm looking forward to seeing how our courts deal with these difficult but important topics.

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