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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wills Week a Success

I was glad to see so many people (more than 100) come out for my session for Wills Week this year. It just shows how many of you are actively looking for info about estate planning. There were a lot of questions during the session and afterwards so thanks to everyone for your participation. If you still have questions or you'd like me to cover a specific topic, please post a comment here and I'll be glad to reply.

I'd like to say a special hello to the students who are currently in the CPLED program, and not just those in my class! The articling year is tough but it flies by. Let me know if I can help with your Wills and Estates unit by suggesting books or websites that you might find useful.


  1. Hi Lynne! I'm a really big fan of yours and I have your first book! Unfortunately I arrived back in Edmonton too late to make it to your seminar during Wills Week. By any chance was your session recorded? It would be cool if I could download a podcast of it off your web site. Cheers,

  2. Hello Douglas, and thanks. Unfortunately it wasn't recorded. Maybe next year you will be able to make it to the session in person.


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