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Monday, July 27, 2015

Posting Notices to Creditors online rather than in the newspaper

Readers will notice that I've added a new item to this blog's homepage. It's a link to a site on which executors and estate administrators can publish Notices to Creditors and Claimants online, rather than in a newspaper. Click here to go to the site and see what it's all about.

This makes a lot of sense, really. Many people nowadays read their news online. Anyone searching for information about an estate or a deceased person would most likely search online. It's a way in which the legal system has to keep up with technology.

It's a Canadian site, so it's applicable to the readers of this blog. One of the first things you'll notice if you check out the site is that the cost of advertising there is significantly lower than using traditional newspapers. I suggest that executors and administrators who wanted to publish a notice but were deterred by the cost should compare the online price before deciding not to get the protection offered by publishing a notice.

Publishing a Notice to Creditors and Claimants is not required by law, but estate lawyers recommend publishing a notice in many cases. This is because publishing the notice protects the executor against unknown bills or claims popping up after the executor has distributed the estate.

The online notice published on this site will last for a year. On the site you can see notices that are already published. They are really easy to set up. I also happen to know that the owners/operators of the site are law school graduates and so have the knowledge they need to do these notices properly.

When I saw this new service being offered to Canadian executors, I knew it would be of interest to many of my readers, so I decided to post the link. As always, I'd love to hear your feedback if you decide to use the service.

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