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Saturday, November 8, 2014

The holidays might be the right time to help parents fill in a planning workbook

It seems so early to be hearing Christmas music in the stores and seeing Christmas movies on TV, but the preparation for the season is certainly gearing up. People are booking flights to spend time with family over the holidays, and mailing packages for nieces and nephews and grandkids to find under the tree.

If you have been looking for a chance to talk about estate planning with your parents, the holidays might just be the right time. Everyone is together so nobody has to make a special trip out for the discussion. There is usually some unallocated down time between family meals, church services, skating parties, and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Family relationships are top of mind. This might be your best opportunity to raise a serious topic without making it appear alarming or concerning to your family members.

But how do you raise the topic of estate planning with your parents? Consider using my planning workbook called For My Family, With Love. You could give a copy to your parents while you're all gathered for a coffee or meal. It doesn't have to be a scary idea if you present it as something they can work on as a long-term project. If the idea seems overwhelming or they seem reluctant, you could offer to spend some time with them completing the workbook after the holidays when things slow down.

Having their legal and financial affairs in order is the greatest gift any parents can leave behind for their kids. It allows the kids to stay together as a family without legal disputes to drive them apart. In addition to a will, a parent can use this workbook to leave information that the kids will need to make sure that the loss of a loved one isn't any harder than it has to be.

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