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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Digital wills vault

There is a new service available that some of you might find interesting. A company called NoticeConnect (yes, the same people who do the online advertising for creditors) has created what it calls the Canada Wills Registry. It's a digital wills vault - a place to register your will so that if someone is looking for it, they have a better chance of finding it.

From what I hear, several thousand people have registered wills there already, even though it's brand new. I also hear that a number of law firms are registering the wills they hold for clients in the hope of making things easier on the families of their clients later on.

Because it's new, I honestly can't say whether it's going to work out as planned. It's too soon to have success stories. If you're interested in learning more, Click here to go to their webpage and learn how it works. I remind everyone that although it's called a Canada registry, it's not affiliated with any government department; it's owned and run by a private company.

Anyone who uses the service, please let the rest of us know how it went.

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