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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Podcast: How to break up with your lawyer

Our latest podcast is up and ready. This is perhaps my favourite one so far. It's about "breaking up with" your lawyer and getting your stuff back. It's the kind of practical information people can use when they think things are going badly with the lawyer they're currently using and that perhaps it's time to hire a different lawyer. Click here to see the list of podcasts, then simply click on the one you want. You can listen or download for free.

As always, we're open to suggestions about topics to cover, and we welcome any questions you'd like answered. Any feedback on the podcasts, suggestions, or questions can be sent to


  1. Podcast-Episode 6 - How to Break Up With Your Lawyer
    I listened with great interest to this Podcast as I was was in this situation.
    Most of the information is for 'normal' cases. Sadly my case is 'abnormal'. It is going to litigation. I have met all the criteria as a client including everything mentioned in the Podcast. I had to chase my lawyer to get his bill. A lawyer should provide an interim bill, mine did not. I paid my bill (large) and the lawyer would not give me my files. The lawyer had boxed himself in and wanted to 'get off the record'. He did. He had no presentation. I had a good presentation. The female Judge was not interested. My lawyer previously wanted me to fire him (email sent to me). My lawyer did not want to take my case to Trial, a simple that got complicated due to another (first) lawyer that screwed up. I did use the LSUC and complained. I had a LSUC agent and things were going well then suddenly half way she was gone. The second agent never spoke to me. Many people have had a difficult time with LSUC. It is a Society that often pays lip service to the people. It is there first for the lawyers who pay a fee and get services ie library etc.
    I did take that lawyer to Assessment Court and got the bill reduced by 15%. They tell you up front , don't even expect to get more than 50%. Very unprofessional in my opinion, almost funny as to what transpired. My new young lawyer should have been there as he has the skills to confront the other lawyer , but he was not present. He did not want to face a senior lawyer. Of course there is more to my 'simple case that got complicated'. I am in a financial position where I can take this to Trial but many people cannot. My case deserves to be written up. What is important for the client 'has he conducted him/herself accordingly'. In my case (applicant) a resounding yes. The (respondant) a resounding no. Several lawyers involved, a resounding no. TBC.
    If I had fired my lawyer he can then easily say to everyone ie a Judge that we were so close to resolution and settlement but he fired us. Judges rely on lawyers being honest etc and therefore give them a lot of creedence. Most Judges used to be lawyers. Many lawyers in smaller cities/towns know each other very well. They are like family.
    FYI-the young lawyer left the firm and is working for a corporation.

    1. That really does sound like an unholy mess.

      Maybe one day it will actually be a book :)


  2. Thank for sharing this blog its quite helping.


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