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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How do you donate your body to science?

If you've ever wondered about leaving your body to science - which generally means a medical school - click here to read some thoughts and advice from the folks at All About Estates.

In my practice, I have met a few people who have requested that their bodies be left to science for research and educational purposes. The number is small compared to the number of people who want to donate organs or tissues for transplant purposes. Note that the comments made in the All About Estates post are for people who want to donate their whole bodies. Many people also address organ donation in their Personal Directive or Health Care Directive.

1 comment:

  1. Now, that is a very interesting question. I have often thought about donating my body to science. I believe that local Edmonton medical schools are looking for donation to train their students. But I'm not sure. Good luck!


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