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Monday, August 9, 2010

How to prepare for executor duties

This article from the Globe and Mail contains some of the most sensible advice for would-be executors that I've read in a long time. Click here to read the article.
(The attached photo is from that article as well).

1 comment:

  1. As an only child of a parent who is also executrix of the will, but has run out of bereavement time from work and vacation days, I feel I deserve extra time off work due to all the time consuming duties associated with being executrix as well as the boxing up and distrbution of the many items in her home all while I am still greiving and every item has a memory attached. Is there any support or extra allowance made to the executrix/or?
    Even with a straight forward will it sounds like alot of work to take on while still putting in 8 hours of work a day.


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