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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Canadian bar association national meeting a huge success

I've just returned home from Toronto where I represented Alberta at the national meeting of the Canadian Bar Association Elder Law section. I've brought back tons of new ideas, new information and new energy! It's always useful to see that the issues facing seniors (and those of us who will one day be seniors) are the same from coast to coast and to brainstorm with other people who have the same interest in these issues as I do.
image of CN tower from

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lynne, my uncle passed over a year ago now and my mother his sister ended up with the responsibilty of his estate. He had a request of being berried beside his fathers grave and instead my mother cremated him, which he did not want. Now my mother refuses to do his income tax that he never did for over 24 + years. Also she has sold his estate now. My uncle wanted certain things and didn't have it writen in the will as he was far to sick to do any of these things at the time of his death. But he had told all of us as a family what he wanted as a family. My mom has gotten sick and has not been working and that's why she sold his property so she can live off of that money. Is there anything I can do as I know she has not finalized probate and is jumping the gun? She also has told me she is not going to do his income tax because there will be nothing left for her.


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